Hi there,
like numerous bloggers and writers around the worlds, I also want to have a small glance at the past and what kind of plans I have for this year.
The past year was a lousy one regarding the training due to the personal worries and illness, and obviously this year the target is set as higher. During the first three months of the year I want to make running an integral part of my life once again, i.e. I try to do running at least four times per week. I also want to emphasize the importance of the rest and have two quality workouts per week (normally a tempo run and an interval training) plus 2 – 3 others where the heart rate should be kept low enough. One thing I have neglected for a long time, and this really has to change if I ever want to improve my marathon PB, is the long run. From this on I really try to make it a regular habit.
New toys often deliver a better motivation, they say. Naturally it would be nice to have something new, like an Apple Watch or a new Garmin, but the old watch is still just fine, and my economical situation could also be better. So excluding new pairs of running shoes, I probably mostly try to cope with the existing gear.
As an overall target I want to improve my 10k best time and also approach or even beat the marathon PB after a couple of weaker years. I still do not know at which marathon events I will take part. Unfortunately it is already for sure that Berlin won’t be on my calendar this year either, as there wasn’t any luck in the lottery. Maybe Copenhagen in the spring due to that my sister now lives there, and in the autumn one or two marathons, of which at least one in Germany (e.g. Braunschweig once again), and it would be really enjoyable to run in Finland again. Maybe Raate Marathon or something similar. Let’s see…
Now I wish everyone a nice weekend with plenty of good training mileage! Until the next time.