Gradually back to the training


After having spent a while with other topics, it’s now time for a running related blog post. As I have lately written, I’ve been very disappointed with my general health, but I hope things are finally proceeding to a right direction. This is now the second week I’m able to go running on a regular basis (3 – 5 times per week). I have to be patient and try to build on the basis day by day.

I still haven’t included a targeted training plan, but I try to do one interval training, one tempo run and one long run every week. On top of that I try do an additional or two runs if possible, mainly for the recovery and to keep the spirits high (I simply need running to remain calm).

Like I’ve previously written, I would like to test the training methods provided the book Run faster, run less written by Bill Pierce, Scott Murr and Ray Moss (see the preview below provided by Amazon).

Basically I want to run about four times per week, but aim at running at a higher intensity/pace, depending on the day’s program. What I necessarily should do, is to include some strength training and other sports to make the workouts more pleasant thanks to the variation. This week I’ll still follow my heart for the workouts, but from the next week the plan is to follow the training program from the book. I’ll try to cover my training in blog posts and discuss my feelings, whether I feel good about this change in my training. Lately I have been suffering from a lowered motivation, partly because of weeks of reduced training due to sickness.

More about the workouts of the book in the following blog posts. Now it’s time to say good night!

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