Workouts from last and this week

Hi there,

this and previous week have been really busy ones due to that there’s a small lack of personnel at the work due to vacations and sick leaves. I have still somehow managed to get about four workouts per week (obviously almost merely running).

The most important thing at this stage before a marathon is that there should be at least one of the each type of a key training included every week, i.e. a long run to get you required training for the marathon duration and get your body and muscles used to the long race. On the other hand you also need a tempo run to enable running at a steady, but still at a relatively high pace, and thirdly there should interval type of training sessions included.

My long runs should be a bit longer and it still seems very hard to find the required energy for interval training and tempo runs during the week. Anyway, I try…

Now I’m so exhausted that I have to hit the bed now. I’ll try to add a post about my hobby project during the weekend… Until then, have a nice weekend everybody!

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