Patience required

Hi there,

Once again a hasty update before the good night’s sleep. I started this week with a couple of easy runs, as I have felt really tired and not prepared to do any tempo or interval training. Well, sometimes it has to happen so the long weekend (thank God) has to be enjoyed by pushing oneself towards a better condition.

I have the feeling that I still am not entirely healthy as I struggle with some slime when coughing. Hopefully this will end soon or I won’t be able to reach a very good result at Vahrer-Seen-Lauf. On the other hand this is not that important than the upcoming marathon in August so let’s try to be patient…

Tonight’s round was a very slow and easy one. I hope the legs use it to recover for tomorrow. OK, I’ll get back to the keyboard when better rested and not falling to asleep.

Good night!

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