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The past few months have been tough time in many ways, mostly due to the changes in the professional life (I switched job at the beginning of the year) and on the personal health level – I think I have never had flu that often than this winter. This has had an enormous impact on my training. I have been able to run only occasionally and also the motivation has degraded considerably because of this. Now I’m thinking of getting started again as the first two months at the new work are over and the things have been normalised a bit. I also hope that my health gets better now that the spring is approaching.

The previous race I took part at was the 10th Kristallmarathon in Erlebnisbergwerk Merkers in central Germany. It was a really nice experience with a couple of old running pals. After the tough winter the main target was just to run the race through and so we did. Although the event was an experience I don’t think I want to run a marathon again with a bicycle helmet on…


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