Distance: 10.80 km Duration: 48m:10s Average pace: 04:28 min/km Average heart rate: 151
Today’s workout was a tough one. After a brief warmup there were 8k with a relatively high pace (at least for me) at ~4.05 – 4.20 min/km. Yesterday’s easy run was not after all that easy, because due to the low pace I had sore muscles today and this may have an impact on the overall performance as well.
The big excitement during the day was caused by the TomTom event where the company released a really interesting product, TomTom Spark GPS watch. At the moment I really would like to order one, but before getting at least a very preliminary evaluation, it is not wise to hit the order button… So I’ll wait at least a few days more – unfortunately the device will be available not until in October, and therefore I could not get it on time to be used at Berlin marathon.
Now, exhausted as usually, so heading to the bed.