Tempo run

Distance: 10.77 km
Duration: 50m:09s
Average pace: 04:39 min/km
Average heart rate: 147

Today I didn’t want to run a tempo run, ’cause I felt exhausted after the day at work, but as it was scheduled, I did it anyway. First a small warmup to get some feeling to the legs and after that off it went – about 8 km at a moderately high pace. It was hard, but I hope the suffering during this workout pays off in Berlin and maybe later in the autumn if I decide to run another marathon, e.g. in Braunschweig were I was even last year.

Last time I had this kind of harder tempo run was in June at Vahrer-Seen-Lauf and I really feel like I should do harder workouts more often in order to improve my running at higher pace. Especially next year when my goal is to get closer to the three hours’ mark I really have to train more wisely, in order to avoid injuries.

Tomorrow no training, but barbecue if the weather is fine. So the next training will be either an easy run on Saturday or a long run on Sunday. Have a nice weekend everybody!

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