Distance: 10.67 km Duration: 57m:32s Average pace: 05:24 min/km Average heart rate: 142 Max. heart rate: 168
Today the Strava training proragm suggested a Fartlek Run including 12-16 x 1 minute at 5K-10K effort, 1 minute recovery jog between each repetition plus a warm-up and cool-down. I decided to go for the maximum, i.e. to run 16 reps. 😉 The training itself was a nice one. The weather was absolutely fabulous; maybe a bit colder it could have been, but I don’t want to complain as the autumn already is not so far away…
Today’s training in Strava
Tomorrow it will be time for an easy run. I’ll probably run with a colleague of mine and can have a relaxed run due to that.