Distance: 33.23 km Duration: 3h:11m:03s Average pace: 05:45 min/km Average heart rate: 132
Hi there,
As usually on Sunday, it was time to gather some mileage for the basis training. I decided to back to Rhododendronpark here in Bremen where I was running last Sunday as well. Thanks to the flexibility of my wife I could leave early in the morning and accomplish the training until 11AM. The weather was absolutely fabulous; when I started running it was about +13°C and three hours later about +20°C so I was glad I left so early as my body does not tolerate heat very well.
To my disappointment I noticed from the first kilometer that it would be a great struggle today. I guess I had not recovered completely from the Yasso 800s on Friday night. Therefore it was an easy decision to keep a very moderate pace and try to keep the heart rate low enough. After all I want to reach my best marathon race ever in 48 days in Berlin. Now it is essential to gather enough kilometers, fulfill the key training sessions flawlessly and do not forget the importance of the sleep and recovery.
Compared to the training week ago I ran today with an average pace of 34 secs slower than back then and the overall feeling was just lousier today. My best guess is that the hard training during the past few weeks requires its toll. On the other hand I’m pleased that I’m nowadays a more reasonable runner than five years ago and follow better the training plan instead of rallying too fast during most training sessions. Well, it would be sad if one would not develop at all as runner. 🙂
Tomorrow rest, so probably no blog post either.