distance: 22.09 km
duration: 2h:00m:51s
average pace: 05:28 min/km
average heart rate: 137
Today I was supposed to run a progression run with a relaxed pace at the beginning and during the 10 last minutes with a 10k race pace. It turned out, however, that I haven’t experienced this hard run for ages. Nothing worked out and I wasn’t able to keep up a pace quicker than about 5.30 – 5.20 min/km. What comes to my mind is that either I’m becoming ill or maybe this week’s workouts were a harder nut to crack than I expected. Obviously the first over 70k week after March did its trick… Naturally my training temperature was higher than for a while today which also may have had an impact on the overall feeling.
Anyway, by resting tomorrow I hope to be able to get back on the normal track on Tuesday. 🙂
Today’s workout in Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/354623085.